
Ice House, Carleton University

Sport Medicine & Physiotherapy: 

Sport Med: (613) 520-3510

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Dr. Noura Al Osaimi


Dr. Noura Al Osaimi is a Rheumatologist at the University of Ottawa Health Services (UOHS). She completed her Rheumatology Residency program at the University of Ottawa. Following, she enrolled in a clinical fellowship in musculoskeletal ultrasound in rheumatology and medical education research. She obtained certification from the American college of Rheumatology (RhMSUS). She also obtained certification from the European League Against Rheumatism ( EULAR); level 1 competency and level 2 ( train the trainer certificate). During her clinical fellowship she performed diagnostic scans of different joints as well as ultrasound guided procedures ( injection/ aspiration). In rheumatology, she uses ultrasound for establishing diagnosis (ie. inflammatory arthritis/synovitis) and monitoring response to treatment.